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There is also a weekly online service at 10.30 on Sunday mornings: details here

We are a town centre church close to the main shopping streets in Maidstone.

Our listed church building, with its beautiful frontage on Union Street, dates back to 1823, and has a rich and interesting history, including many stained glass windows commissioned in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Our site was also, for a long time, the main non-conformist burial site for Maidstone. We treasure our connection to the past and to the people who worked so hard to establish this Methodist church on such a central site for the people of Maidstone. Our members come from the town centre and also from much further afield, and many have been members here for their whole lives.

Currently our church building is closed for developments which we hope to complete sometime in 2025. These developments are designed to give us a more useable and attractive space for worship, fellowship and community activities.

We remain an active and worshipping congregation of church people while our premises are out of use. We join in with Sunday worship online, with the North Kent Methodist Circuit, and at other local churches in our Circuit – a schedule showing where we aim to be each week is published on our website,Union Street Methodist Church web-site

We are also exploring ways of meeting together outside of services, sharing in fellowship and caring for one another as a community. If you would like to join us, do get in touch via details on our website.

Circuit Map

© 2024 – North Kent Methodist Circuit
Registered Charity No. 1134870