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Circuit Priorities

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  • Developing Discipleship – becoming friends and followers of Jesus Christ
  • Engaging in God's Mission – sharing with God in His work
  • Building Fellowship – supporting one another as the people of God.

Each of these Priorities need to feed into the vision and mission of each of the local churches and the Mission Area projects. We have to ask the question; how does the work we do at the local level fulfil these three Priorities?

This can be achieved by identifying the exact purpose behind each of the three Priorities and focusing resources on this.

We should also be aware that the Missional Communities which are to be part of our growth will also share these Priorities.

Developing Discipleship

This requires bringing together all the training and development initiatives that the Circuit currently is engaged in:

  • Ministerial development -- Presbyters, Deacons and Probationer
  • Local Preacher Training
  • Worship Leader Training
  • Front Line Discipleship Movement
  • Small Group Resources
  • One off events (lectures and talks, training events, church away days etc.)

Engaging in God's Mission

This is the key priority for all churches in the Circuit. It is where the discussion about "presence vs. project" is needed. By developing a presence in our community we begin to understand what God is already doing there, what is His mission for us, and see ways for us to engage in this work.

This requires each church/project to have a vision and mission statement that relates to God's mission in the community. It requires the churches to work closely together by forming "missional communities." For example, the high street churches may see the need to develop a strong presence in the area by providing street pastors, outreach during the day and food banks.

Building Fellowship

This is where we need to the churches to develop strong internal communities free of argument and conflict. They need a good pastoral network and an active social scene to act as the glue which supports and strengthens the church community.

This fellowship also exists in the "missional communities" that will grow from shared outreach work across the churches and between denominations.

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© 2025 – North Kent Methodist Circuit
Registered Charity No. 1134870