There is also a weekly online service at 10.30 on Sunday mornings: details here
Regular services happen at the church every Sunday, 10:30am with Junior Church for the children. If you're bringing children you can watch the service from the crèche or play in the children's corner during the service too. If you have hearing difficulties get in the hearing loop so you won't miss a word. Get comfy in our spacious pews for the service ahead – there's a place for everybody.
Have you heard about OAST? Some services are delivered by the OAST team. These are services by our church community for our church community. Follow our OAST services on The Bible App from Search for us in Events up to 5 days before the service!
Church means community. So our community is active all week – it's not just Sundays. As such we hope you'll find our buildings homely.
We are supporting
Not just Sundays
Our regular activities (see downloads for more info):
Encounter – Renewing the Methodist Heart for Revival: : 1st Sundayof the month at 7pm
For all:
For children and young people:
For adults:
For over 60s: