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Worship Leading Development

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Leading Contemporary Worship

A new course from the Family Friendly Churches Trust, devised by Rev. Dr Mike Bossingham and Rev. Anne Bossingham

Who is this new course for?

This is for you – if you love worship, and like to see it led well.

Why a new course?

a) to train and equip new Worship Leaders for our generation and time
b) as an opportunity to refresh and update skills of those who already lead worship
c) to enable and equip people beginning to train, or already training as Local Preachers
d) as a programme of continued development for Worship Leaders and Local Preachers
e) for Church Stewards, especially if involved with Local Arrangements services
f) for the personal interest of any member of our congregations interested in worship

Where and when will it take place?

In three venues, one in each of our Mission Areas, from September to May, at . . .

The Brent Methodist Church
Contact person: Ian Sturt (mobile 07507 373266, email:
Saturday mornings, 10am to 12 noon, starting 21 September

Rainham Methodist Church,
Contact person: John Stunell
Saturday mornings, 10am to 12 noon, starting 28 September

Larkfield Methodist Church, New Hythe Lane, Larkfield, ME20 6PN
Contact person: Monica Wilding (01732 840024, email
Tuesday evenings, 7.30 to 9.30pm, starting 24 September

How does it work out?

There are 17 sessions, held twice monthly. These include:
-9 monthly teaching sessions and 8 sessions held between the teaching sessions
for reflection, and for sharing experience, practice, and resources.
-The course will be led by experienced Worship Leaders and Local Preachers
from the North Kent Methodist Circuit.

Do I have to register on the course?
Yes please, to register your place, or for more information, please contact Monica Wilding on 01732 840024,
mobile 07704 195447, or email;
Please give your name, contact details and preferred venue. Further details will be given on registration.

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Registered Charity No. 1134870