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Worship Leader's Course

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Interested in Training as a Worship Leader in your Church
Do you enjoy assisting in the leading of worship,
and would like to join some training sessions to become a Worship Leader?
Then join others for a three-session course, based on the requirements for Worship Leader training in the Methodist Church and the North Kent Circuit.

Session 1: Worship: Foundations
This session provides an introduction to worship and worship leading, the elements of worship and the basics of putting together an order of worship. We will explore the
role of the WL and the requirements for recognition in your church as a Worship Leader.

Session 2: Encountering God in Worship
This session will be based on Module 2 of Worship, Leading and Preaching.
It will offer an introduction to the Bible and its authority as the Word of God.
We will study examples of different types of prayer and how and where
they may be used in a service of worship.

Session 3: A Rainbow of themes and styles of Worship
Methodist worship embraces a wide range of styles of worship. It aims to be inclusive, encouraging and enabling. We look at a miscellany of creative ideas and practical ways to develop your gifts and skills to enable others to worship God in truth and love.

Saturday mornings, 10am to 12.30pm

6 November, 4 December, 8 January

Larkfield Methodist Church,
find us on the junction of New Hythe Lane and London Road (A20), ME20 6PN

To book your place, or for more information, please contact Monica Wilding,

monica conact

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© 2025 – North Kent Methodist Circuit
Registered Charity No. 1134870