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Westminster attack (updated)

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The President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference have responded to the attacks at #Parliament:
"We ask all Methodists to join us in prayer as we unite with others across the UK in the wake of today's attack at #Westminster. We pray for those who were attacked and for their families, for the emergency services who responded so quickly and for the whole country at this terrible time."

Loving Creator God,
In the midst of chaos and uncertainty,
grant your peace.
To those injured and frightened by events in Westminster,
grant your healing.
To the police, those who work in Parliament and members of the public,
grant your protection.
May those who are motivated by hate be transformed by love.
May those who care for a broken world by strengthened by love.
May we be guided by your Spirit as we try to find words of comfort
and be guided in our actions by the example of your Son, Jesus Christ,
in whose name we pray.

Prayer for those involved in the incident in Westminster

Leaders of different faith groups met in the presence of the Mayor of London and the Home Secretary with the intention of calling all our faith communities to stand together.
We Stand Together...

Methodist Central Hall, Westminster Statement on the Westminster Incident

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Registered Charity No. 1134870