Tenants of the King
Walk with Jesus
Talking Jesus
Tenants of the King
Tenants of the King
Lent Bible study "Tenants of the King"
Inspiring Hope for God's Creation
Starting on Monday 22nd February at 7pm
Our Planet is changing. Whether booming populations or unpredictable climates, these
changes are never far away. Most experts agree that an unstable environment
represents one of the greatest global challenges of our age, But what does the
bible say about it.
Through a service of 4 weekly , bible studies we will discover more of God's answers to
this important question
Monday @ 7pm
22nd February, 1st March, 8th March & 22nd March
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 7639 5779
Passcode: 560784
If you would like to join us please email Rev Robin Selmes
A teaching video will then be sent to you each week prior to the bible study
Walk with Jesus
Title – Walking with Jesus during Lent
Every Tuesday at 7.00pm from 23rd February 2021 until Easter
-You will learn more about you and Jesus.
-You will feel your Spirit lifted up by the companionship of like-minded people who may become good friends.
-Each session as well as being a part of the series will also be a valuable experience as a one off
-Come for a taster if you are not sure if its for you
Format –
-Bible Passage and Prayer
-A short reflection
-Fellowship in Small Groups of Four to Six People
-Discussion of The Methodist Way of Life
We hope to have an open discussion about the Methodist Way of Life and how we can continue our Walk with Jesus through Lent and beyond with the MWOL in our minds. Most of all during this difficult time in which we live, this online Zoom event will be another opportunity to share fellowship with church and circuit friends. Please join us if you are able and if indeed you do want to join us please register your interest here http://bit.ly/NKMC-Lentthen select tickets and choose the nights you want to attend.
Alternatively just reply by email to nkmc.lent@gmail.com confirming you wish to attend.
In Downloads there is is a flyer which if you can print and if you can manage it please send it to someone you know. We would love to see old friends and make new ones. An email is being sent to 400 Methodist folk of the North Kent Methodist Circuit so if we each forward it onto 5 more people from your contact list it will reach another 2000 people.
Finally the Circuit is also running another Group program called Talking Jesus after Easter. It's a natural follow on to this Lent study and we all find Talking Jesus difficult so this will be a chance to chat it over with friends.
We do hope you will join us.
May we all be a blessing within and beyond God's Church, for the transformation of the world.
Talking Jesus
Sharing our faith...
Becoming confident to talk about Jesus
Starting Thursday 1st April: -7:30pm
Book your place by contacting Bart at Bart.Woodhouse@gmail.com
Or by booking through https://talking-jesus-north-kent.eventbrite.com
Talking Jesus involves 6 weekly sessions encouraging and equipping ordinary Christians to share their own faith story and the goodnews of Jesus. From the website:
"Conversations with Christians are one of the most important influences in bringing people to faith. This course will inspire you to share your faith and will give you practical suggestions to help you to be natural and relevant as you talk about Jesus with the people you meet.
These are six encouraging, video-based sessions which include short films, inspirational short testimonies, and real-life examples from people who are talking Jesus, with a short, easy-to-follow course book."
Talking Jesus Website: https://talkingjesus.org/
Or contact Bart on 07792 596318