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Michael Harvey is coming back!

After his brilliant session in Gillingham earlier this year, it was decided to invite him back. And so in partnership with the Chaplaincy Service in Bluewater and Churches Together in Ebbsfleet, the North Kent Methodist Circuit will be hosting him on the 11th of November.

There will be two sessions. One in the afternoon and then one in the evening

Session 1:

Aimed at those in leadership it will cover how we as a Church leadership can model and encourage those in our Churches to become invitational. The session kicks off with a networking buffet before we go off to be challenged by Michael to confront the climate of fear and shame so many of our congregation members face when they think about inviting people to Church.

1:30 for registration and lunch.
2:30 – 4:30 with Michael

Session 2:

The second session is aimed at members of the congregation who know we have a problem and want to do something about it. Michael will talk through some of the issues facing being invitational and then go through his 12 step plan for becoming invitational.

Coffee and tea will be served before the session starts.

6:30 for coffee and tea
7:00 – 9:00 with Michael.

The sessions are not simply for Methodists and so if you are aware of anyone else who is interested or should you want anymore information please contact Ray Borrett on:

07806513728 or or tweet him on

Lets get as many people to come as we can!

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Registered Charity No. 1134870