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Sanctuary Newsletter No. 5

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10th December 2015
Sanctuary Newsletter No. 5

Gravesend Winter Shelter – the 1st week

The first week has gone extremely well. We had 12 different guests stay with us over the 3 days and served over 50 hot meals. All seemed genuinely pleased with what we have provided. Even after just one week they already look healthier, clean and tidy, fed, washed and clothed. More than that we are building a sense of community with these guys.

Equally pleasing have been the interaction between team members that come from different churches in the area. Many are saying what a pleasant experience it has been and how well we all work together. It's been a great start and we are so grateful to Gravesend Methodist Church for the use of their building, the effort they have put into washing clothes and many other blessings they have shown us.

In the new year we will produce a more detailed report on the first month, the lessons learned and the changes we plan to introduce.

Christmas Lunch
In previous newsletters we had mentioned the possibility of providing Christmas lunch on December 25th. Due to our hectic schedule and volunteer situation, this will not be possible among our own volunteers. However, the Salvation Army have offered to do this at their centre in The Grove. Guests will be provided with an invitation over the next few weeks where they can then book their place. Thanks to the Salvation Army and their generous offer.

New Banking arrangements
We are very grateful for all the donations we have received so far. As from 1stJanuary, a dedicated bank account will operate for the project. This can be used for Direct Bank transfers as well as regular standing order giving. The details are:

Bank Name: CAF Bank
Bank Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Name: CPC – Sanctuary
Account No: 00028641

Volunteer Parking Arrangements
Just a quick reminder for volunteers that cars must be parked in the nearby public car park or you will get a ticket. Also, parking must be paid for during the hours up to 6:00pm in the evening and after 8:00am in the morning.

If you don't have any change, you can pay by phone and once this is setup it's easy to pay by this method from then on.

Rota: Help Needed
We have some gaps in our volunteer schedule for the coming week. In particular we need 2 general team members for the overnight shift on Sunday Dec 13/14th (10pm – 7:00am) and a Night Coordinator on the early shift December 14th (6:45am – 8:30am). If you can help out, let Peter Field know via email to

Training Dates
Just a reminder of the two new training sessions that have been arranged:
-Wednesday 16th December 2015 7:30 – 9:00pm
-Wednesday 13th January 2015 7:30 – 9:00pm

Both of these sessions will be held at City Praise Centre, Lion Garage Roundabout, 7-11 Lower Higham Road, Gravesend DA12 2LY.

If you'd like to attend one of these (all volunteers must attend at least 1 session), send me back your name and preferred date by return email.

That's it for this week.

Steve and Lorna Nolan
Sanctuary Project Managers
About Sanctuary
Sanctuary is the name given to a project to provide a shelter for the homeless in Gravesend town during the worst of the winter months. It is being run by City Praise Centre and Gravesend Methodist Church in association with Gravesham Churches Together. For more information visit our website at:

Copyright © 2015 Michael Coveney, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Michael Coveney
70 Cerne Road
Gravesend, Kent DA12 4BP
United Kingdom

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Registered Charity No. 1134870