Safeguarding Training
If by reason of the position you hold in your church you need training in Safeguarding, the following Training Sessions are available for you to attend:
At Spital Street Methodist Church on
Wednesday 25th February 2015 from 7.30pm to 10pm. The Leader will be Mrs Sue Byard. Please let her know if you will be attending this session.
Please contact Sue Byard (contact details below).
At Kingswood on
Sunday 1st March 2015 starting at 12 noon, following Morning Café Service. The Leader will be Mrs Sue Byard. The church meets in Kingswood village hall. The hall is situated on the junction of Gravelly Bottom Road and Chartway Street, at the edge of Kingswood Village, ME17 3PX. To ensure sufficient training materials are available please let her know in advance if you will be attending.
Please contact Sue Byard. (contact details below).