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Safeguarding Training

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Safeguarding Training Sessions.

There will be two sessions to be held on:

#Saturday 24 October at The Brent 9.15 for 9.30am
#Wednesday 11 November at Larkfield 7.15 for 7.30pm

People undertaking the following roles need to attend a training session:

Lay employees & Volunteer Workers with pastoral responsibility
⃟ Pastoral Visitors
⃟ Anyone working with 0 – 18 year olds in the name of the church
⃟ Anyone working in activities targeted at adults who are vulnerable (e.g. luncheon club for the housebound)
⃟ Church stewards
⃟ Circuit stewards
⃟ Local preachers
⃟ Worship leaders
⃟ Those training for local preaching or worship leading
⃟ Church and circuit safeguarding representatives
⃟ Choir/music group/drama leaders – where there are 0-18 year olds or vulnerable adults in the group.

⃟ District staff especially policy committee members, complaints and discipline, mediators
⃟ Core teaching staff at Methodist Church Training Institutions
⃟ Connexional staff with direct safeguarding links e.g. children and youth workers
⃟ Presbyters with an active preaching or pastoral ministry
⃟ Deacons with an active preaching or pastoral ministry
⃟ Pre-ordination students and probationers

it is essential that people book in advance so that enough materials can be provided.


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Registered Charity No. 1134870