Please help vulnerable Rohingya people who desperately need food, water and shelter.
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Escalating violence in Myanmar's Rakhine State in late August 2017 has forced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes, including many Rohingya Muslims who have fled to Bangladesh, fearing for their lives.
As of 19 September, more than 400,000 people had crossed the border into Bangladesh and unknown numbers remain displaced in Myanmar. As villages in Myanmar continue to be destroyed, figures are expected to rise, with up to 15,000 people crossing the border each day.
Those fleeing to the border have walked for miles, and for days on end. They have no money for food or shelter. Many mothers are escaping with new-born babies. With limited medical facilities, people are sick and at risk of serious disease.
Shajida's story
After an exhausting journey from Myanmar, Shajida arrived at a refugee camp in Bangladesh with her husband and three children. But on arrival, there was no room for them. They had to walk to another camp, where they built a small, makeshift shelter using sheets of tarpaulin and bamboo poles.
Shajida's family have been unable to sleep because heavy rain has muddied the thin plastic sheeting that makes up their shelter floor.
Food is scarce. When we met Shajida, it was the afternoon, and her children had not yet eaten a meal that day.
Please donate to our Rohingya Crisis Appeal nowto help Rohingya families like Shajida's who have fled their homes with nothing.
The situation in Myanmar
Horrific violence persists in Myanmar, with entire villages burned. Neighbourhoods have become like ghost towns.
Many displaced people from northern Rakhine remain in the country, surviving in camps. Supplies are dwindling. Families are in desperate need of food supplies, clean water and medical care. The situation has worsened with recent flooding affecting makeshift camps and forcing people to move to other areas.
The Bangladesh Government and aid agencies are struggling to cope with the rising needs. Humanitarian agencies are struggling to access people in need in Myanmar.
We need to act now. Please donate to our Rohingya Crisis Appeal today to help all communities displaced.
How can you help?
-Church collection: Call 0870 078 7788 to order envelopes
Your donations are providing:
-Hygiene kits
How we're responding
Through our Rohingya Crisis Appeal, we will help all communities displaced by violence in Myanmar's Rakhine State, and Rohingya Muslims who have crossed the border into Bangladesh as refugees.
In Bangladesh, we are sending £40,000 to our local partners to provide food, clean water and sanitation support to 23,000 people, and to support healthcare.
We need to scale up our response. We need to raise as much as we can to reach more vulnerable displaced people in Bangladesh and Myanmar.
We've been working through local partners this year to support all communities displaced by violence in Rakhine State.
Permission to work in refugee camps in Bangladesh has until now been limited to a handful of NGOs, but authorities in Bangladesh are now willing to accept further support. We are working with authorities in both countries to secure permission to work with affected groups.