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Newington Coffee, Eccles Art

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October 3rd
Newington Coffee Morning
Eccles Art, Craft, and Photography Exhibition

Newington Coffee Morning
Saturday 3 October from 10 am to 12 noon.

We will have locally grown there will be locally-grown apples and plums available to buy along with an attractive array of home-made cakes and savouries, books and bric-a-brac.

And, of course, there is the opportunity to catch up with friends over a cuppa.

You will be warmly welcomed!

Art, Craft, and Photography Exhibition
3rd and 4th October 2015.
In Eccles Church

Staging from 10:30am-11:30am Saturday,
Viewing from 11:30am-4pm both days.
Please, come and show off your talents! There will be unique works of art, craft, and photographs on show and free to view.

Special displays by the Playschool children, and both Eccles and Aylesford Brownies, as well as a craft area to create.

Refreshments and snacks available.

£1 to enter for adults, 50p for children (up to 11 years free); can enter 4 photographs and 4 craft pieces per category, and up to 10 pieces of artwork (per person entered).

Photography categories are: 1) Flowers, 2) Birds.

Craft categories are: 1) Cards, 2) Découpage.

Prizes awarded for the 'People's Picks'.

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