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Nepal appeal

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"All We Can" and Christian Aid Nepal Appeals

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Christian Aid: Donate on-line here

Pray For Nepal

All We Can responds to Nepal earthquake 25 April 2015

All We Can is launching an emergency appeal to enable partners to respond in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Nepal on Saturday 25 April.

The earthquake, the worst in 81 years, caused devastation in the capital city Kathmandu as well as in outlying isolated mountainous areas of the country. The epicentre of the earthquake, which measured 7.9 in magnitude, centred around 50 miles east of the second city, Pokhara. All We Can has been supporting partners working in this region for a number of years. Tremors have been felt in surrounding countries including India and Tibet.

We are pleased to report that we have been in touch with all of our partners and so far have no reports of injuries or casualties within those organisations. However with a countrywide death toll that already stands at just over 1,300 people (and is likely to rise over coming hours) the situation is serious, and Nepal has declared a national state of emergency. We will be keeping in close contact with our partners in the coming days. Our Programmes and Partnership Manager for Nepal, Nick Burn, is currently in the country and has reported on the seriousness of the situation:

"The death toll is rising steadily and is likely to reach into the thousands. The extent of the damage outside Kathmandu is yet to be ascertained though. Our partner Kopila in Pokhara has reported over 50 aftershocks and people all over the country are nervous. Many are choosing to sleep outside tonight."

Kopila has expertise in trauma management and is already mobilising ten staff to provide counselling in Kathmandu and the surrounding areas. It is one of the best placed organisations in Nepal to be able to provide this kind of assistance. Bina Silwal, Executive Director of Kopila, was able to speak to us shortly after the disaster:

"This type of disaster not only brings physical injuries but it also brings psychological trauma and mental illness in the long-term. We feel it is our responsibility to support the people who are affected by this tremendous earthquake through psychosocial first aid. We are planning to organise a good team with psychologists and counsellors."

All We Can has immediately agreed an emergency grant to Kopila of £5000 to enable it to quickly deliver this service to affected communities. We will support partners to assess the situation and allocate further funds from our emergency appeal in the coming days.

Angela Mugore, Director of International Programmes and Partnerships at All We Can says: "We are so glad that our partner Kopila were able to respond immediately with their expertise and experience and they will be assisting efforts in Kathmandu from now on. We are keeping the situation under review and staying in close contact with our partners. Today our thoughts are with those who are injured, mourning the loss of loved ones and those who have lost their homes and businesses

Emergency Appeal

Cheques can be sent to All We Can, 25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR.
All We Can: Donate on-line here

Christian Aid: Donate on-line here
Pray with us

We ask that you join us in prayer as the true extent of the damage is revealed in Nepal and as disaster relief efforts continue:

Father God,
You are the God of the mountains and the valleys,
we ask that you might bring your healing hand to rest on the country of Nepal.
We pray for the injured and the vulnerable
We pray for those who are grieving
We pray for those who are searching for lost loved ones.
We know you are with them in the rubble and the chaos Lord,
and we ask that today they might feel your comfort and grace. Amen


Help us prevent further deaths in the aftermath of the Nepal earthquake
The devastating earthquake that hit Nepal and parts of India has killed more than 2,000 people, and many more lives hang in the balance.

Scene of devastation

Photo credit:

Entire communities have been ravaged by the earthquake, which measured 7.8 on the Richter scale.

Some 6.6 million people are affected, with the death toll set to rise.

Unconfirmed reports suggest that 80% of homes have collapsed near the epicentre, less than 50 miles from Kathmandu.

Hospitals are overwhelmed.

Because of the risk of further aftershocks, people can't even shelter in any buildings that are still standing. Thousands are living out in the open.

People are shocked and frightened. They need emergency shelter, food and clean drinking water, clothes and some of the basics, like blankets and hygiene kits.

We have to help them now.


Please donate now
All We Can: Donate on-line here

Christian Aid: Donate on-line here

Our partners are there

We've already sent £50,000 so that work to help those affected by the earthquake can begin. But we need to raise more funds to reach those in need.

Our Regional Emergency Manager, Ram Kishan, said yesterday: 'Our partners are en route to establish where need is greatest, so that we can respond quickly and effectively.'

Our sister agency, Lutheran World Foundation Nepal (LWF), part of the ACT Alliance, already has teams in place on the ground. LWF will be assisting with the coordination of emergency supplies at a government-run camp, due to start providing temporary shelter from today.

Other Christian Aid partners are joining the relief efforts.

Local organisation PGVS, which teaches communities on the Nepal/India border how to cope when disasters strike, will be distributing 100,000 sets of water purification kits we've supplied.

Meanwhile, humanitarian response experts RedR and water treatment group Aquaplus will also deliver much-needed aid.

Christian Aid is part of the ACT Alliance, a coalition of more than 140 churches and affiliated organisations working to alleviate poverty and respond to humanitarian needs.

(India has also been affected by the earthquake, so money donated to this appeal may be used to help people there.)

All We Can: Donate on-line here

Christian Aid: Donate on-line here

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