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Mission conferences

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-National "Reimagine" conference October 2016
-Local "Jesus Culture Reformation Sessions" 24 May 2016

A conference for all who love the Church and seek to nurture its mission in our world
The conference is taking place at The Hayes Conference Centre, from 12 noon on Monday 3 October until 2pm on Wednesday 5 October. It is an opportunity for all who love the Church to learn more about how its mission may be refreshed and extended.
Keynote speakers include:
-Revd Graham Horsley (Methodist Connexional Fresh Expressions Missioner)
-Revd Dr Calvin T Samuel (Director of the Wesley Study Centre, Durham)
-Dr Rachel Jordan (Church of England National Adviser for Mission and Evangelism)
-Revd Ashley Cooper (Senior Pastor at Swanbank Church, Stoke-on-Trent)

Presentations, including workshops, seminars and marketplace stands, will cover a range of issues, including:
-renewing and refreshing the local church
-engaging with culture and cultural change in churches and their communities
-developing 'mixed ecology' circuits
-catalysing change in churches and communities
-tools for fresh ways of being church

Bookings will open on Monday 14 March 2016 and close on Friday 29 July.
Early bird booking, by Friday 3 June: £150 per person
Standard booking, by Friday 29 July: £160 per person
Rooms will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Book early to ensure you secure a double-en-suite room.
For questions about the booking process you may contact the conference administrator at D&
If you have questions about the conference itself you may contact either Tony Moodie ( or Ed Mackenzie (

Jesus Culture Reformation Sessions – Kent
TUE, MAY 24 AT 11:30 AM, KENT
By: Jesus Culture

We long to see cities and nations impacted and changed for Jesus; to see fruit that remains. Our heart is to come alongside those who have a similar passion and ignite within them a new hunger for revival.
We believe that we are all called to be leaders; called to lead in churches, on campuses, and in every realm of culture. Our heart is to equip leaders to be effective in whatever realm of society they are in, and connect them with like minded people. God is moving in cities and nations like never before and we must move with Him.

When is the Jesus Culture Reformation Sessions Kent happening?
The Reformation Sessions Kent will gather at 11:30AM on May 24th 2016. The meeting will be held at Eastgate, just outside the M25 and close to Ebbsfleet International rail station.
What will the Reformation Sessions entail?
Teaching and interviews with Banning Liebscher and other key leaders
Time to connect with like minded people from your city
Q&A time with Banning Liebscher other key leaders
Who should go to the Reformation Sessions?
We believe that everyone is called to be a leader. We are looking to provide a place where you can be inspired and refreshed to continue growing as a leader -- wherever you are called.
11:30 Registration Opens
12:00 Lunch *to be provided
12:45 Session 1: Teaching, Interview, Discussion
1:50 Session 2: Teaching, Interview, Discussion
2:40 Break
3:00 Session 3: Teaching, Interview Discussion
4:00 Session 4: Q & A
4:45 Dismiss
*please note that this schedule is subject to change
Tuesday, May 24, 2016 from 11:30 AM to 5:00 PM (BST)
141 Springhead Parkway – Northfleet Gravesend, Kent, DA11 8AD

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Registered Charity No. 1134870