Local Preacher Accreditation Service for Margaret Price and Doreen Koffie-Williams
Sunday December 6th, 4pm
Sittingbourne Methodist Church, led by Tony Graff, preacher Gary Watt
Please join us for a service of celebration and praise.
Positive Working Together Workshop
The Positive Working Together (PWT) initiative is an important step forward in promoting good working relationships and managing conflict in the Church. The South-East District has identified the implementation of PWT as a priority for this year and is offering two workshop days before Christmas. Other workshops will be offered before Easter and Conference 2016.
The main aim of each workshop is to give you an opportunity to engage in some of the underlying issues around bullying, harassment, and conflict in the Church, to experience some of the material/resources in the main report, and to explore how local churches and circuits may implement Positive Working Together.
The workshops are open to churches and circuits throughout the South-East District, with the first two taking place in the Eastern and Western Areas of the district. Due to the size of venues, numbers are limited so please book as soon as you can.
To help with catering and numbers please email Graham at:
Wednesday 9th December 2015
10.30am to 3.30pm
Refreshments and Lunch provided
Larkfield Methodist Church