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Good News tweets

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good news tweet

In a small discussion group we were looking at Mark's Gospel and asked to share what we think are the most important things to say about Jesus in a "tweet".

We didn't have any thinking time and, as none of us were regular tweeters, we allowed ourselves punctuation and spaces in addition to the usual 140 characters.

These are our Gospel tweets. What would you tweet?
Email so we can share it here. No fake news!

  • A man of stories telling how life should be. He tells us that Life's journey is not and will not be easy. In hard times He will always be there for us to turn to. Life is one story with many different endings.
  • Jesus was born of Mary as a human being in Bethlehem. He told stories and made people well. He had his gang of friends who followed him. He had enemies in authority who put him to death. He died to save us from sin.
  • God is love. He is with us. Jesus shows us how to love. You are loved. He loves all kinds of people. He defeated all obstacles, including death. All can have life in all its fullness.
  • He died for my sins and rose again in triumph. He leads, guides, inspires, shelters me. He gives me hope. He loves me. He asks me to share a message of love, joy and peace with others.
  • Jesus, a man specially favoured by God, lived among ordinary people, teaching them how to live in community, which He called God's Kingdom. He challenged the powerful and was killed for his obedience to God's call.
  • Jesus came for everyone – he had no favourites – treated all alike – loved the unlovable – helped all who tried to improve – gave time to those who needed more time – never turned anyone away.

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