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Frontline Fruitfulness Seminar

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October 12th

Johnny Douglas will be speaking at the Anniversary Service at Sittingbourne Methodist Church at 10:30pm

Seminar Session: Frontline Fruitfulness

We will also have a seminar session with Johnny, during which, he will talk about living our lives on the frontline e.g. the place we spent the majority of our time and how we can be fruitful as disciples.
We may be old or young; healthy or infirm; rich or poor; employed or not. We may be busy or bored; optimistic or pessimistic; radically cutting edge or relatively retro. Whoever we are, as Christians, we have at least one thing in common: we each have a Frontline.

Your Frontline: the place where you spend much of your time
Your Frontline: the place where you meet people who don't know Jesus
Your Frontline: the place God has called you
Your Frontline: the place of possibility and potential

Often though, we don't see ourselves, our workplaces homes, colleges and clubs in this light. But what might God want to do where we are day by day? How might he use us? How will we grow?

Johnny is also a life coach and a mentor and there will be an opportunity to ask him questions about his ministry as an Anglican pastor and how he uses coaching and mentoring in his ministry.

As a circuit leadership team we have come to understand that our leaders and members need coaching and mentoring to enable to do the things God has called them to do. We have seen the fruits of spending time with people in small groups or individually to support them in leadership and mission and some of the results have been amazing. Johnny will help us build on this experience and point to how LICC can help us in our leadership and mission.

Don't miss out come along.

If you want to come to this event at 3pm please come, it is open to everyone in the circuit.

If you intend to come it would be helpful if you could tell Rev. Gary Watt as numbers will affect how the seminar needs to be run.

johnny douglas

"I have a background in architecture, organisational management and church leadership. I've lived in Staffordshire and Essex, before coming to London. Seeing people flourish in life, faith and calling is what gives me greatest satisfaction!

I am married to a wonderful woman called Julie and we have a blended-family of four. I have diminishing musical ability, stagnant artistic talent & unfit sporting efforts due to increasing years and enjoyment of good food! I love the privilege of being an Anglican pastor, life-coach and bit-part writer."

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