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Four Poems by John Stunell

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Caught off guard
Armour, armour! Don't panic,
Just put it on!
There's a chapter on this in the Book,
Should have practised, I suppose, but
I'm too busy!
How does this breastplate fasten?
It chafes!
This belt is much too tight!
And the helmet... well!
A shield may be necessary, but
My arm aches!
How can I be expected to carry all this
And still use the sword?
Sandals!!! And a cloak? Ridiculous!
When this is over,
I will demand a complete re-appraisal!
What do you mean,
"There is no mechanism for that"?

A psalm of despair 01.08.06
I lift my eyes to the hills,
But see no challenge there.
I put on my walking boots,
But you have given me tender feet.
I live in fear of blisters.
I call you daily to explain my needs,
And you answer in a riddle
That I am not equipped to solve.
My ministering technician says
There is no fault on the line,
But your words are mysterious,
And inscrutable, beyond my understanding.
What do they mean, O Lord,
"Shut up, and listen!"?

Alleluia, amen.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Amen.
Merciful God, you've done it again,
Expunged the obscene, the mean,
The unclean, and vanity's preen.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Amen
Wonderful God, you've done it again,
At your word, in your love, by your power, our
Restoration complete, at your mercy seat.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Amen.
Good God, you really have done it again,
And again, and again, and again.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Broadband 22/11/04
What it must be,
Constant certainty,
Broadband connection to eternity!
Me? I wobble,
Stumble, and mumble,
Recycling used words
And pauses of uncertainty.
Known but unknowing
I grow old, stale, .. pale,
And fail.
Then I awake knowing,
Feel myself growing,
Throwing high fives,
My God is alive!
But, sometimes,
He has to wait for me
To pick up my mail.
How can I get onto broadband?

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