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Esther 9:8 – the longest verse in the Bible

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Esther 9:8 – the longest verse in the Bible

Good morning Twice Born of our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus

Ladies, Today, Yet more of the Providential hand of God for Esther.

First, every body knows the shortest verse in the bible. In todays study we have the LONGEST. It's Esther 9:8 and in the King James version contains 90 words. That's just a scriptural fact I know you won't quite get your day off to the right start unless you knew that.

The thing that struck me reading this,
1. Mordecai, Goes in to the Kings presence as an ORDINARY Jew. And Exits as an EXTRAORDINARY Prince.

2. Mordecai enters as a Jew, according to Haman, a condemned man, he leaves APPROVED and ACQUITTED and ADVANCED

3. Mordecai is given the Kings Seal and set over the house of Haman Verse 2

3. Mordecai departed from the presence of the king a COMPLETELY different man, in royal apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a garment of fine linen and purple: and the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad. Verse 15

All these From the hand of the Earthly King. But we have a Heavenly King that sits on the Throne Next to our Father. Jesus. Jesus, pardoned our sin. Jesus has given us His Royal seal of approval, we carry His name, We're all called by His name, CHRISTIANS.
We all have a new change of raiment. We can come at any time into the presence of God the Father, because of the Obedience of the Son who made the Father "well pleased". And there are an Angel Host rejoicing and are glad.

As for me I would rather stand before my Heavenly King then to face an Earthly King.

Apologies for going on, but I got quite excited and couldn't type fast enough...

Over to you redeemed people of the Lord


Life is not lived in length, Life is lived in depth

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