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Discipleship Day

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Discipleship Day
3rd October 2015

You are invited to a special day at The Friars, Aylesford, on Saturday 3rd October where we will be discussing the key issues of leadership, discipleship and mission in the North Kent Methodist Circuit.

Our Circuit has undergone many changes over the last few years and as we have moved forward these issues have become central to the successful growth of our churches and, most importantly, God's kingdom in the North Kent area.

We will be joined by Rev. Johnny Douglas, whom many of you know, and we will spend time exploring our understanding of these issues and how they are central to the future of our churches and our Circuit

The day starts at 10.30 am and will finish around 4.00 pm, coffee and tea is provided, please bring your own packed lunch.

Places are limited so please book soon.

The Patrick Geary Room
The Friars
Kent, ME20 7BX

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Registered Charity No. 1134870