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Deliver Hope this Christmas

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christian aid christmas 2014


The hope that shines through when a new baby is born is a hope that can transform the world.
Help us spare women the anguish of losing a baby.

Deliver hope this Christmas

Good news! The UK Government will double every pound you donate this Christmas, so even more lives can be saved.

At Christmas, we celebrate the hopes of humanity focused on a tiny baby. He was born to a young mother with nowhere but a stable to welcome him into the world.

A joyful night. The night a child was born who would change the course of history. But not every child born in a stable survives.

Together we can spare mums the anguish of losing a child, and make sure more babies never have to lose their mothers.

What you can do...

Donate today, hold a collection, order a Present Aid gift, organise a fundraising event and pray with us:

Click -HERE- for more information.

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Registered Charity No. 1134870