Sittingbourne Methodist Church
Tea, coffee and cake after the service.
Ray and Deb Borrett are leaving soon for fresh pastures in Yorkshire. This Circuit Service is a chance to say thanks and farewell to them.
Debs' school choir will be coming to sing.
From their Facebook page:
Dear lovely, lovely friends.
In case you haven't yet heard, we are moving to West Yorkshire at the beginning of August so that Ray can begin the serious business of dog-collaring.
Time moves quickly, so we have had to start thinking of how to say goodbye to you all....
We'd be delighted if you would consider coming to our goodbye service at a Sittingbourne Methodist Church.
There is plenty of room for family to attend too.
The service will last about an hour, with tea, coffee and cake in the church gardens and church hall after the service.
So, please save the date!
Deb & Ray