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Circuit Farewell Service

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Sunday 26th July

Revd Velma Campbell and Revd Kan Yu are leaving the Circuit this summer.

We cannot meet in person to thank them but the Sunday morning YouTube service on Sunday 26th will be a farewell service for the two ministers.

It may not be a traditional farewell service but it is planned to make it a special occasion.

Please come and tell the many others whose lives have been touched by these special women.


Sorry, no cheese scones or spring rolls afterwards.

Order of Service updated, Saturday 7.20pm
Before the service begins – Hear the call of the kingdom (Singing the Faith 407, led by the Third Avenue Remote Worship Group)

Welcome and introduction – the Revd Naomi Oates
Hymn – Praise is rising (Singing the Faith 64, led by the Third Avenue Remote Worship Group)
Opening prayers – Medway Chinese Methodist Church
Message from the North Kent Methodist Circuit - the Revd Dr Bonni-Belle Pickard

Readings (read by Helen Young, Youth Pastor for Third Avenue and the Chinese Church)
-Isaiah 43:1-4 (chosen by the Revd Velma Campbell)
-Mark 16:1-7 (chosen by the Revd Kan Yu)

Hymn – Just as I am (I come broken) (chosen by the Revd Velma Campbell)

Messages of appreciation and reflections from those leaving
Prayers of intercession – Ian Packham
The Lord's Prayer
Hymn – Blessings of God be upon you 賜福與你 (chosen by the Revd Kan Yu)

Blessing – the Revd Naomi Oates

All hymns will be displayed on the screen – there is no need to open separate tabs if viewing the service on YouTube.

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© 2025 – North Kent Methodist Circuit
Registered Charity No. 1134870