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Be a Secret Santa for a vulnerable child this Christmas

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How Action for Children helps

There are children in the UK who face a Christmas without a hot meal, presents, or a safe place to sleep. But our Santas are helping to change this. By signing up to be a Secret Santa for a vulnerable child, you can bring joy, warmth and safety to those who would otherwise go without.

In 2017, Action for Children helped 300,000 children and young people in need. We work on the ground and in communities to make a real, lasting difference. We intervene early to stop neglect and abuse, support young carers, and help children who find themselves homeless.

We wouldn't be able to do any of this without our supporters. This Christmas, we need 25,000 Santas to make sure we reach children like this all over the UK. Will you be one of them?

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Registered Charity No. 1134870