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3Generate Manifesto

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The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. In response to this, each year a 3Generate Manifesto is produced, based on the conversations that took place and expressing the views, concerns and aspirations of the children and young people who attended.


Below is a bit more detail, unpacking and supporting the items that ended up on the final Manifesto summary...

- Change the stereotype of church as being boring – in particular have variation in worship styles, go and eat food together after church in places young people like, build sporting communities.
- Make church accessible and welcoming to all ages and build relationships between all who use the church building
- Modernise churches – in particular have wi-fi in every church, more-comfy seating.
- Recognise that young people have a place in church, particularly being involved in services.
- Work in schools to help children and young people be open to God.
- Make sure God is in your conversations and decisions.

-Actively tackle climate change.
- Stop pollution and littering – in particular more recycling bins in churches, use less plastics and ensure the paper for church notices is recycled.
- Stop deforestation and plant on church land.
- More Methodist eco-churches.

-Create a church that supports, encourages, and campaigns for equality, diversity and inclusion e.g. age, LGBTQ+, gender, disability, race.
- Create a church that is better resourced on mental health issues- in particular understanding the stresses young people face.

-Work to end poverty and world hunger in particular challenge the universal credit and benefit system, support FairTrade.
- Increase support for those who are in poverty, homeless, refugees, asylum seekers by calling for better job opportunities and housing.

- Inspire and encourage each other – in particular encourage young people to be brave in doing new things and to reach goals and potential.
- Be kind and help people – particularly the sad and lonely.
- Treat animals with respect.
- Stop bullying.
- Listen respectfully to those you don't agree with.

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Registered Charity No. 1134870