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Bible Month 2023

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bib month 23

What is Bible Month?

Bible Month is an annual campaign that celebrates scripture by inviting the whole Methodist Connexion to feast on one particular book of the Bible together.*

Through a menu of carefully curated resources, training and learning opportunities, churches and circuits are encouraged to taste and see the goodness of an individual text; enjoying some of its unique flavours, considering its origins, appreciating its place alongside the rest of scripture, and savouring the unique contribution it might make to our faithful living and learning today.

New to Bible Month or thinking of running it for the first time? Find out more about it all in our Bible Month Stakeholders Guide.

*Typically, churches engage with Bible Month during June and many of the resources and training opportunities are timed accordingly. It is possible, however, for churches to choose a different month in the year in which to engage with the materials if that works better for their local calendars and needs.

In 2023, we're going to feast upon the Book of Revelation

Revelation is one of those biblical books we can be tempted to avoid. It has a bit of a history and reputation for being misused, abused and misconstrued. Its odd and even disturbing imagery can make it quite an uncomfortable and perplexing read. But this pastoral letter, written by an elder sage to a diverse group of committed yet messy, tired, hurting and confused churches can actually offer us a lot of comfort and instruction about how to live hopefully, faithfully and lovingly as God's people today, however challenging a time and place we might find ourselves in.

So join us as we chew over its words together in a host of different ways; appreciating its strangeness, responding to its challenges and hearing its encouragement.

Order your copy of the 30 Days with Revelation booklet from the Preach website now.

To help make Revelation a bit more bite-sized, we're going to look at a different section each week through a different theme:

-Week 1: The Church Then and Now (Chapters 1-3)
-Week 2: The Triumph of the Lamb (Chapters 4-5)
-Week 3: Witness, Worship and Waiting (Chapters 10-13)
-Week 4: Heading Home (Chapters 17-22)

Alongside these themes, individuals, groups, circuits and churches will be encouraged to engage with the text and message of Revelation in a whole host of different ways. This year's menu plans include


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Registered Charity No. 1134870